Fashion / 10 Nov, 2014
Pink & Teal
Black Swan Hope Floral Dress c/o // Black Swan Dark Teal Moto Faux Leather Jacket c/o // Belt (similar here) // Kate Spade Bag (similar here, cheaper version here) // Rose Gold Watch (similar here, cheaper version here) // Heels (old, similar here) // Cat Eye Sunglasses (similar here, cheaper version here)
I wore this look to church yesterday. I always look forward to Sundays when we are in LA and we can get back into a routine. Our church is about an hour drive, but totally worth it. I actually enjoy the long ride because it gives us time to reflect on the week and what we took away from the church service. We also take the Pacific Coast Highway through Malibu so the views are great. This week’s sermon was all about giving back and making time for the important things in life. I think all of us are guilty, at times, of putting work first and forgetting about what life’s all about. It was a great reminder to not only make time for our loved ones and community; but also to use our talents to give back. It gave me some ideas on how to do so with this blog. I can’t wait to share soon.
I hope you all had a great weekend too!
I hope you all had a great weekend too!