Today I’m sharing my designer handbag collection where I’m reviewing all of my favorite bags and sharing how I score them for less. Investing in designer bags can actually make financial sense given the quality and durability of the bags which will last you a very long time. Personally I love designer bags, but I am very selective as to which ones I buy and I always try to score the best price. In today’s video I’m sharing how I started my collection and where I’ve purchased a few of my bags pre-owned. I’m also sharing how much I paid for each bag which in some cases is much less than retail.
Here’s a list of the bags I’m reviewing:
- Chanel 2.55 Classic Double Flap (also comes in white – on major sale right now!)
- Louis Vuitton Neverfull (MM)
- Gucci Dionysus GG Supreme (Mini)
- Gucci Marmont matelasse (Mini)
- Chloe Medium Faye Shoulder Bag (Motty Grey color)
- Celine Luggage (Mini – love this military green color too)
- Givenchy Antigona (Medium Smooth version, matte version here, pebbled version here)
xo, Maria
Outfit Details: Endless Rose Top