
Hair/ Beauty / 05 Apr, 2018

5 Products I Swear By For Longer Hair


fashion blogger mia mia mine wearing a gray sweatshirt from revolve and gray heels by gianvito rossi

It’s no secret that I wear extensions, but the other day an extension expert told me my natural hair was actually quite long and that I really only need extensions for fullness. That’s when it dawned on me that my days of feeling like healthy hair was only a dream are over. Last year I was so discouraged with how much breakage I was seeing, I felt like my hair would never get healthy and growing again – unless I dyed it back to my natural color (which I obviously wasn’t willing to do). Although I don’t use a ton of it, bleach is super damaging and after using it for so many years, it really took it’s toll on my hair last year. Over the last few months, I’ve started to be more conscientious of the products I was using and I even changed up my daily routine a bit – although I haven’t given up using hot tools. Keep scrolling to see the products that have helped my transform my hair and make it grow faster.

fashion blogger mia mia mine wearing a gray off-shoulder sweatshirt from revolve and grlfrnd denim fashion blogger mia mia mine wearing grey gianvito rossi heels and a gray saint laurent large college bag fashion blogger mia mia mine wearing an olivia culpo sweatshirt by marled x revolve fashion blogger mia mia mine wearing a saint laurent college bag and grlfrnd denim from revolve fashion blogger mia mia mine wearing a gray sweatshirt by olivia culpo and a saint laurent college bag fashion blogger mia mia mine wearing grey saint laurent college bag fashion blogger mia mia mine wearing a gray sweatshirt by olivia culpo and a saint laurent college bag fashion blogger mia mia mine wearing a casual spring outfit from revolve fashion blogger mia mia mine wearing a gray olivia culpo sweatshirt and grlfrnd denim from revolve



Silk Pillowcase

A silk pillowcase not only helps eliminate bedhead and hair breakage, it's also easier on your skin - reducing wrinkles and creases.
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Hair Treatment

If you lighten your hair, this product is a must. I've noticed such a difference. I use it 1-2x/week after dying my hair to protect and repair it.
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Mason Pearson

The Ultimate Brush

Yes, this brush is pricey, but after one use, you'll understand why. This brush will make your hair shinier, eliminate static and painlessly detangle. I've also been brushing my hair more often and for longer to disperse the natural oils from my scalp - my hair feels less dry by doing this.
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Up & Up

Prenatal Vitamins

No, I'm not pregnant, but I still take prenatal vitamins for stronger nails and hair. They really do work! They have the same effect as fish oil pills without the side effects - fish oil always made me nauseous.
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Heat Protectant

I use heat tools quite a bit, but I always make sure to protect my hair first by applying this protectant. It really helps fight against breakage.
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xo, Maria

Outfit Details

Marled x Olivia Sweatshirt (wearing an XS, runs large)
Revovle GRLFRND Skinny Jeans (wearing a 23, runs large)
Gianvito Rossi Suede Heels (runs TTS, budget version here)
Saint Laurent Large College Bag
Quay x Desi Perkins Sunglasses (on sale now!)

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