Designer handbags are, without fail, the one thing I get asked about most. If you’ve been following me for a while, then you know that I’m a huge proponent of buying pre-owned designer bags. It’s not just a smart way to save on a covetable wish list item – but it’s also a great way to shop mindfully and sustainably. As a designer brand enthusiast, I have to admit that one of my biggest concerns when purchasing a secondhand piece is whether or not it’s authentic. That’s why it’s so important to shop pre-owned goods from reputable retailers like eBay.
I’ve purchased authentic designer pieces from eBay many times from handbags to watches, and I’ve been super pleased with how far they’ve come in authenticating their goods. They recently launched their Authenticity Guarantee service for luxury bags, and it’s fail-proof way to ensure that you’re not being duped!
To learn more about how the authentication program works – and the brands I stand by from eBay, keep scrolling.
How It Works
eBay’s Authenticity Guarantee program is available for new and pre-loved handbags that are $500+ from the biggest fashion labels, like Gucci, Saint Laurent, Bottega Veneta, Chloe, and more.
The bags go through a rigorous multi-point inspection process by a team of professionally trained authenticators. They physically check the condition of the box, handbag construction, accessories, smell, and more.
Once a bag has been verified, it gets a unique authentication card to prove that it’s the real deal. The item is then ready to be shipped to any buyer via three-day shipping with a signature required!
How To Shop Authentic Bags
When searching for pre-owned bags on eBay, you can identify genuine items by looking for the blue Authenticity Guarantee check mark in the search results, as well as in the top right of the item page. If you’re ready to shop, check out my top picks below.
Bottega Veneta
Bottega Veneta has emerged to become one of the hottest designer labels on the market in less than three years. Since the bags are so expensive, it’s a good idea to consider a pre-loved option. You can save over $600 off my favorite pouch here.
Gucci is another brand that fashion girls just can’t quit! The bags have proven to hold their value well over time, so it’s not a bad idea to consider a secondhand Gucci bag.
Saint Laurent
One of my favorite designer bag brands of all time is Saint Laurent. I love that their bags are as stylish as they are functional. There’s something about the designs that feel perfectly modern and timeless.
Saint Laurent Rive Gauche Tote (black) | Saint Laurent Rive Gauche Tote | Saint Laurent Sunset Bag | Gucci Horsebit Bag | Gucci Marmont Suede Bag | Bottega Veneta The Pouch Bag | Gucci Marmont Belt bag | Bottega Veneta Arco Maxi Tote
xo, Maria
Outfit Details
This post is sponsored by eBay.