Nothing beats the feeling of getting your hands on a brand new designer handbag. However, deciding which bag to invest in can be quite the struggle. As much as I love designer handbags, I remain selective with the brands I invest in and often take my time to research designers before splurging. I love reading online reviews and watching YouTube for honest feedback about certain pieces. I’ll also track prices on resale websites to see how well a bag retains its value and will splurge only if a bag meets the criteria I’m looking for. My requirements are usually a combination of timelessness, versatility, and value. As someone who has been passionate about investment pieces for years now, I wanted to share 8 designer bag brands I stand by and know will be worth your money over the long run.
Bottega Veneta The Pouch Bag (in Mist color)
Bottega Veneta
There are many amazing designer bag brands out there, but I have to say that Bottega Veneta brings some really fresh and unique styles to the table. As soon as Bottega Veneta debuted its new handbag line, it was near impossible to find one in stock. The simple shapes and one-of-a-kind designs truly complement any wardrobe, making them a must-have in my book.
Louis Vuitton Multi Pochette Accessories
Louis Vuitton
If there’s one designer brand that always makes iconic handbags with a major cult following, it’s probably Louis Vuitton. It’s often hard to find top selling styles in stock, like the Multi Pochette bag and Palm Spring Backpack. Tote bags aren’t as popular as they used to be, but even the Louis Vuitton Neverfull totes never seem to stop selling. In fact, the price continues to go up every few years, which is good news for anyone who owns LV bags.
Saint Laurent Rive Gauche Tote
Saint Laurent
I’ve had a major obsession with Saint Laurent over the past few years now and acquired quite a bit of handbags from the line. Their leather bags are buttery smooth yet durable so I can carry them everyday and not worry about ruining them. Lately, I’ve been loving Saint Laurent’s woven bags too – like the Rive Gauche and Nolita bags.
Chanel Bag (medium size)
I love that Chanel bags will never go out of style – especially the medium flap bag. It’s such a prized piece in my wardrobe and I can always rely on it to elevate my outfits. The chain strap adds an elegant touch that makes this bag wearable for formal events and special occasions too. Given the high resale value of Chanel, investing in this brand is an absolute no brainer.
The recent popularity of Gucci makes it a designer brand worth investing in, especially as the prices of pre-owned Gucci accessories and clothing remain at a steady rate. This bodes great news for anyone who has been coveting a Gucci bag. Resale value aside, I love how the smaller Gucci bags carry me seamlessly from day to night.
Chloe bags are the epitome of boho chic – and perfect for both classic and modern women everywhere. The French label is known for creating various cult handbags from the Nile to the Drew to the Faye and more. The feminine shapes and unique chain designs culminate to become true classics that are worth investing in.
I’m sure you guys know that the Givenchy Antigona Bag is one of my all-time favorite designer pieces, so this list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning Givenchy. I’m partial to the black, glossy satchel because it’s edgy, modern, and can hold a ton of things without losing its shape. I have yet to find another black bag that I love more to date!
Louis Vuitton Palm Springs Mini Backpack
Fendi has always been a major player when it comes to high-end designers, but it really made waves when it comes to the logomania trend. Their branded “F” bags are true statement makers that make an outfit pop.
xo, Maria